May Jesus gift you as you gift Him- with Heart and hearts!

A monastic custom is to choose an Epiphany Queen through the anonymous picking of a bean!

To honor the Queen poems are written.

Here is a sample:


In the year of a Sesquicentennial

A time of great blessing AND JOY

On Epiphany eve the bean fell

Into hands who will well employ

Holy benefits we hope to enjoy.

Our Assistant par excellence is she

Whose sacred lot will be to share

Queenly customs and gifts that we

Receive from her royal hands with care

And a meal far surpassing daily fare.

Now of our Queen I dare speak

Of likes and habits well engrained

Doing the TIMES crossword each week

Scabbling with Sisters a weekend game

And Pink her royal color she doth deign.

Yet of all manners she doth proclaim

The spiritual one is valued most

A Eucharistic retreat she’ll obtain

To honor Jesus our Divine Host

So each to Him become most close.

One hundred fifty years we celebrate

Of serving Him in this Holy Place

So in this year we do designate

Our Sister’s Queenship to embrace

To lovingly guide us as we trace

Each of her regal steps towards Him

King of our hearts, Lover of souls

Filling each of us fully to the brim

With all the gratitude we can hold

For belonging to the Visitandine fold.