Sun March 10
Come, let us shout for joy for the Lord, let us acclaim our Rock, our salvation! (Ps 94, 1)
O God! we speak of the Friend of friends, whose advice is more exquisite than honey: the Friend is the Savior; and his counsels are for our salvation. (TLG VIII, 9)
I will read the texts of the day before going to mass to immerse myself in them in order to welcome them and lovingly experience this Sunday Eucharist.
Mon Mar 11
My soul thirsts for God, the living God; When will I be able to come forward, appear before God? (Ps 42:3)
Express your thirst for God often, Philothea, through brief but ardent impulses of the heart. Admire his beauty, invoke his help […] adore his goodness, give him your soul a thousand times a day. […] Strike your heart in a thousand ways and bring forth from it a tender and passionate love for your divine Spouse. (IDL II, 13)
I will go to a person who, in the face of trial, is unable to turn to God, to rely on his will. And do I accept that God allows evil?
Tues Mar 12
On the banks of the stream, on both banks, all kinds of fruit trees will grow; their foliage will not wither and their fruit will not fail. Every month they will bear new fruit, for this water comes from the sanctuary. (Ezekiel 47:12)
When God created the world, He commanded plants to bear fruit, each according to its kind. Thus he asks Christians, who are like the living plants of his Church, to produce spiritual fruits, but each according to his social condition and state of life. (IVD I, 3)
With discernment, I will accept the services that the Church asks of me with as much enthusiasm as possible.
Wed Mar 13
Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes in Him who sent me has eternal life. » (Jn 5:24)
Having renounced everything […] we must then rediscover these good desires […] but then we must clothe ourselves with them not because they would be pleasant to us, or useful, or honorable, or because they would satisfy our self-esteem but because they please God, they serve his honor and they contribute to his glory. (TLG IX, 16)
I will pray for people I know who do not believe in the loving power of God. I will do this by trying not to have negative judgments about them, and by seeing them as being loved by God.
Thur Mar 14
“These are the works which the Father has given me to do; the very works that I do bear witness that the Father has sent me. » (Jn 5:36)
Living by the Spirit means doing the actions, saying the words, and thinking the thoughts that the Spirit of God requires of us. (To the Sister of Blonay, April-May 1606)
I will ask the Lord for grace to be able to accomplish the good that He inspires in me without taking the credit for it.
Fri Mar 15
The Lord hears those who call to him: from all their anxieties he delivers them. (Ps 33:18)
You see, my Philothea, when he was on the cross, it is certain that the heart of our dear Jesus saw yours and loved it. Through this love, he obtained for him all the goods that he had to give you, […] he prepared for us everything we need to achieve our salvation. (IDL V, 13)
I will not be afraid to mention the effectiveness of prayer even if it is not always visible and will propose the intercession of Christ’s witnesses when the opportunity arises with confidence and delicacy. I will ask Our Mother in heaven to purify and complete each of my prayers before bringing them to her son Jesus.
Sat Mar 16
What you want me to do. My God, this is what I love: your law holds me to the core. (Ps 39:9)
Holy freedom and frankness must reign everywhere and we must have no other law nor constraint than that of love. (To Madame de Chantal, June 8, 1606)
] Lord, help me to listen to you. Give me the Spirit of Jesus so that my goal is to grow spiritually and through love.