The Christian Spirit
What is a Christian but another Christ? And what spirit constantly animated Christ Jesus, the Word made flesh and descended from heaven to redeem the guilty man, if not a spirit of reparation and penance? This dear Saviour stood perpetually humbled under the hand of His divine Father, fully submissive to His will, and constantly occupied with our redemption by a life of poverty, humility, obedience, and suffering.
This is the root from which we all come, we children of the Redemption, and this is the sap that must flow in our supernatural being in order for the virtues that have characterized our model, the Lord Jesus Christ, to germinate and flourish.
When we study closely the wind that blows over souls today, we quickly realize that it does not move them in this direction. Far from it, everything in our century conspires to distance the baptized from the true spirit of Christianity. We see ideas of independence, vanity, and pride. It is who will be the master and dominate his fellow men. The heart is stirred by a thousand passions, one loves everything and especially oneself.
Far from clinging to the earth, to all these passing illusions and all our possessions, let us lift our hearts higher. The true Christian must always be on the alert and constantly ask himself if his life is orderly and in perfect conformity with their beloved King! (Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)