Our Sisters of Riom decide to leave Metz.

However, the candidates that were received, having brought very little, increased the needs rather than relieved them, and the seller of the house that was occupied pressed hard for payment. Our dear Sisters of Riom, having no acquaintance or support in the city of Metz, whose customs they found very different from those of their country, seeing themselves without funds or income, after three years of trial and patience, resolved to break this foundation, and to return to France to make another establishment, as will be seen in the history of that of Périgueux.

The Reverend Jesuit Fathers, knowing the resolution of these Very Honored Sisters, and that they were already selling the small pieces of furniture which were for their use, and wanted to terminate the contract of purchase of their house, paying only the rent for the time they had lived there, thought of preventing the complete destruction of this establishment.

Our Sisters of Pont à Mousson take over the foundation.

The Reverend Father Rector of the college promptly informed Mother Claude Marie Dauvaine, Superior of Pont-à-Mousson, of what was happening, adding that these dear Sisters had already made deals with carriers. He represented that it was for the glory of God to support the house that had been started, and that there was no time to lose. This great Superior acted so diligently, and gave such good orders, that in less than 24 hours things were concluded. She chose as Superior the Very Honored Mother Jeanne Françoise de Saint-Vincent, young in age indeed, but endowed with so much intelligence and such good talents, that her conduct perfectly supported such an honorable choice. She was given as Assistant our Very Honored Sister Claude Thérèse d’Albaney, professed of Annecy, and our dear Sisters Anne Henriette d’Haraucourt, Marie Agnès Louis, Claude Agnès Demblemont, and Marie Catherine Poirot as companion and cooperator of this good work. Our Very Honored Mother Claude Marie Dauvaine herself led all these dear Sisters, to take the place of those who were leaving. These dear Sisters of Riom were a little surprised on their arrival, because things had been arranged in such a short time, that we had not had time to warn them of what was happening.

This reestablishment of the foundation was begun with a loan of 20,000 pounds, under the guarantee of our Monastery of Pont-à-Mousson, to which half of this sum was subsequently returned. This loan was for the payment of the house that our Sisters of Riom had occupied, taking up the acquisition agreement that they had made and had not been able to pay off. Then the charitable Mother Claude Marie Dauvaine shared with the new foundation the ornaments, linens and furniture that the house of Pont-à-Mousson was able to provide and also shared the provisions; which was very necessary, because the house was completely empty, our Sisters of Riom, having been obliged to pay their debts before leaving, made money from everything, with all the more precision as they did not foresee what was to happen.

Finally, on January 26, 1636, the new foundresses were established under the auspices and guidance of divine Providence; Mother Claude Marie withdrew to her Monastery of Pont-à-Mousson so opportunely, that if she had delayed only half an hour, she would not have been able to go out for a long time because of the arrival of a multitude of soldiers who caused great alarm. She took our Sisters from Riom, and proposed to the Superior to relieve her of some of them, to which she gratefully consented.

Source: http://www.lavisitation-metz.fr/fondation-du-monastere-de-metz/7/