November 1, 1720: Monsignor de Belsunce consecrates the city and diocese of Marseille to the Sacred Heart.
November 6, 1672: Profession of Saint Marguerite-Marie (mystical nun of the Visitation of Paray-le-Monial, who received from Christ the mission of establishing the feast of his Sacred Heart in the universal Church).
November 16, 1877: Proclamation of Saint Francis de Sales (bishop of Geneva and founder of the Order of the Visitation) doctor of the Church, by Blessed Pope Pius IX.
November 18-23, 1936: Martyrdom of our 7 blessed Sisters of Madrid, shot in hatred of the faith. The Church unites them in the same memory on November 18.
November 21: Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. All the Religious of the Visitation publicly renew their Vows during the Holy Mass.
November 24 (last Sunday of Ordinary Time): Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe. On this day the Apostolic Penitentiary grants plenary indulgence to the members of the Guard of Honor under the ordinary conditions: confession 8 days before/after the feast, sacramental communion, prayer for the intentions of the Pope, detachment from all sin even venial, renewal of the promise to faithfully observe the Statutes of the Guard of Honor.
November 29, 1696: Birth of the venerable Sister Anne-Madeleine Rémuzat (Mystical Religious of the Visitation of Marseille).