Due to Christmas, we will not be having our usual article and subsequent Sunday chat. Rather, please ponder excerpts below from a homily of St. Francis de Sales.We wish you a blessed and joyful Christmas! Some words of St. Francis de Sales to help you reflect upon the Christmas mystery (from one of his midnight Mass sermons):The Evangelist (Lk. 1:35) assures us that the Divine Word became flesh in the most holy Virgin’s womb when the angel announced to her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and that the power of the Most High would overshadow her…Indeed, because the Eternal Father willed His only-begotten Son to be the Head and absolute Lord of all creatures (Col. 1:15–18), He willed that the most holy Virgin should be the most excellent of all creatures, since He had chosen her from all eternity to be the Mother of His Divine Son…His goodness was such that He made Himself our brother in order that He might both give us an example (Rom. 8:29; Heb. 2:11–17) and render us sharers in His glory.