Dear all,

To our great regret, we have decided to cancel the international meeting which was to take place next April.

The very insufficient number of participants to date does not allow us to block the rooms, caterers, hotels and buses… any longer.

Nevertheless, to remain in a spirit of unity and prayer within our large family of the Guard of Honor, in April, we will offer you a novena that you can follow from where you are and which will end on Good Friday at 4 p.m., the time when the Heart of Jesus was pierced out of love for us.

Until then, may the Lord bless you and keep you.

Well in communion with you,

Father Christian Catayee, Director General,

Mother Maria Guadalupe and Sister Celina Garcia de la Mora

Geneviève Vignes

for the Headquarters – Monastery of the Visitation Paray le Monial