The Holy Jubilee Year of 2025 is themed Pilgrims of Hope.
As we prepare for the Feast of St Francis de Sales on January 24th, this novena will be taken from St Francis de Sales Conference on Hope.
January 15
“AMONG the praises which the saints give to Abraham, St. Paul places above all the others that: he believed in hope even against hope. God had promised him that his seed should be multiplied as the stars of the heaven and the sand on the seashore, and at the same time he received the command to slay his son Isaac} Abraham in his distress did not, however, lose hope, but hoped, even against hope, that if he obeyed the command, God would not fail to keep His word.”
Prayer: Lord, let us hope in the most difficult and even seemingly impossible situations. Amen.
January 16
“Abraham hoped, and persevered in his hope even against hope, and his hope was not vain, but fruitful.”
Prayer: May our courageousness in hoping in You produce abundant virtues in our lives. Amen
January 17
“Great indeed is the confidence which God requires us to have in His paternal care and in His divine Providence; but why should we not have it, seeing that no one has ever been deceived in it? No one ever trusts in God without reaping the fruits of his confidence.”
Prayer: Help us to grow in confidence and trust in You, my God.
January 18
“Go then, full of courage to do whatever you are called to do, but go in simplicity; if you have any fears, say to your soul: The Lord will provide for us ; if the consideration of your weakness troubles you, cast yourselves upon God and trust in Him”
Prayer: Lord I hope in You as I continue my journey and my mission in life.
January 19
“I have a very strong desire to engrave upon your minds a maxim which is of incomparable utility : To ask for nothing, and to refuse nothing. No, my dear daughters, ask for nothing and refuse nothing. Receive what is given to you and do not ask for what is not offered to you, what is not going to be given; in this practice you will find peace to your souls.* Yes, my dear sisters, keep your hearts in this state of holy indifference, ready to receive all that shall be given you, and desiring nothing that shall not be given you. I would say, in one word, desire nothing, but leave yourselves and all your affairs, wholly and absolutely in the care of divine Providence.”
Prayer: Lord, help me to trust completely in Divine Providence.”
January 20
“The providence of our good God cast with His blessed hand these three sisters into the soil of the Visitation, and after having remained for a time hidden from the eyes of the world, they produced the fruit} which is now seen, and so in a short time all these countries will become participators in the blessings of your Institute. Oh, how happy are the souls which dedicate themselves truly and absolutely to the service of God, for He never leaves them barren or unfruitful!”
Prayer: May vocations sprout from the soil of hope!
January 21
“Desire nothing but what God desires for you; embrace lovingly the events and the different effects of His divine will, without wasting your time upon anything else.”
Prayer: Dear Lord, may your desires be mine. May all my time be yours.