Jan 25, 4:24 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Reflections:We can all admit that temptations will always be with us throughout our lives. Do we grow stronger in virtue as time goes by in resisting the temptations of our youth? Are there any advantages in growing older in resisting these temptations?The three main areas of temptation are the lust of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life (cf. 1 John 2:15-17). What are some arguments or reasons that we can tell ourselves to help us resist each of these temptations?
Jan 25, 4:25 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Imagine that you were put in prison for being a Christian. You are confined in where you live, the food is plain, and the company is at times surely and disrespectful. What would be your greatest temptation? How would you overcome it?It is said that each of us has a predominant fault, after which other sins follow, like links in a chain. How can we discover what is our predominant fault, and what can we do to practice the opposite virtue to combat this fault
Jan 25, 4:25 AM
SrSusan (Guest): How can we enkindle that little flame of God’s love, which is the metaphor that St. Francis uses, so that repeated acts of virtue become habits that are done with ease, promptitude and joy?
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Jan 25, 4:25 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter https://visitationspirit.org/2025/01/newsletter-for-sun-chat-jan-26/

Newsletter for Sun chat Jan 26 | Visitation Spirit
: Q We can all admit that temptations will always be with us throughout our lives. Do we grow stronger in virtue as time goes by in resisting the temptations of our youth?
Jan 26, 4:37 PM
Simone (Guest): I didn’t have a chance to read the letter this week – but my gut reaction would be – Yes-
Jan 26, 4:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think some inclinations toward a certain temptation might remain but yes usually we do get the grace to grow out of the early ones- but then there might be others that crop up
an 26, 4:38 PMSimone (Guest): I agree.
an 26, 4:39 PMSrSusan (Guest): Are there any advantages in growing older in resisting these temptations?
an 26, 4:39 PM
Simone (Guest): Self-possession is the reward
Jan 26, 4:40 PM
Rose (Guest): Experience (if you use it right)
Jan 26, 4:40 PMSimone (Guest): And surrender- combined with grace that sustains us
Jan 26, 4:42 PMSrSusan (Guest): I find that I can look back and say thank you Lord for helping me grow out of that but then I need to say and help me now with this
an 26, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): The three main areas of temptation are the lust of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life (cf. 1 John 2:15-17). What are some arguments or reasons that we can tell ourselves to help us resist each of these temptations?
an 26, 4:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I am not sure arguments and reasons always help I think prayer and being with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament helps more
Jan 26, 4:45 PM
Simone (Guest): I am not quite sure if I understand the question. Does it mean – what motivates us to resist these temptations?
Jan 26, 4:45 PM
Rose (Guest): “Is this actually important?” In terms of eternity it probably isn’t
Jan 26, 4:45 PM
Simone (Guest): Oh – I see
an 26, 4:46 PMSimone (Guest): Or – does it strengthen my love for God?
Jan 26, 4:47 PMSimone (Guest): Does it help me to love a life in poverty of Spirit? (Meaning in dependence on him)
an 26, 4:47 PMSimone (Guest): Live – not love
Jan 26, 4:48 PMSrSusan (Guest): I think the q had to do with our resistance but certainly the more love we have the less we think of resistance but rather , yes, the love, that sweeps us out of the way of temptation
an 26, 4:49 PMSimone (Guest): Love is always the biggest motivation
Jan 26, 4:49 PMDawn (Guest): For myself, relizig thinking about how
Jan 26, 4:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): sorry. offending God is my motivater
Jan 26, 4:51 PM
Simone (Guest): This is a sure sign of deep love of God – when offending him saddens us syou much that we rather not sin
an 26, 4:51 PMDawn (Guest): Thank you…
an 26, 4:52 PMSrSusan (Guest): Imagine that you were put in prison for being a Christian. You are confined in where you live, the food is plain, and the company is at times surely and disrespectful. What would be your greatest temptation
an 26, 4:53 PMSimone (Guest): To step out of humility- and think I deserve better
Jan 26, 4:54 PMSrSusan (Guest): depression would be a temptation
Jan 26, 4:54 PMSrSusan (Guest): or maybe despair
Jan 26, 4:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yet many survived these conditions again by being in constant prayer
Jan 26, 4:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): saying the Rosary, or Jesus Prayer for ex
Jan 26, 4:56 PMSimone (Guest): I just re read the question. I think it would be actually easier if I would be imprisoning for my Christian belief
an 26, 4:56 PMSimone (Guest): It feels more purposeful to suffer
Jan 26, 4:57 PMSrSusan (Guest): like the martyrs in a way
Jan 26, 4:58 PMDawn (Guest): depression. I live in a anti christian apt building, all the Catholics left. Ive thought maybe Im a bit deprressed living here. so I put up Catholic icons outside my door

and other religious items. maybe someone will feel a bit of light
an 26, 4:59 PMDawn (Guest): even the priest will not come here aymore.
Jan 26, 4:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that must be very difficult for you
Jan 26, 5:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): thru this I have grown to have a strong devotion to the Rosary, , Mary has helped me so much. she always says…do whatever he tells you
an 26, 5:02 PMDawn (Guest): I do not take any of this personal. I believe there is alot of spiritual activity going on. Jesus is teaching me to just stay focused o him
Jan 26, 5:04 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How could we overcome the temptations just mentioned by us- in a confined situation
Jan 26, 5:04 PM
Simone (Guest): I think you mentioned it already. Fleeing into severe prayer. Seeking HIM sincerely
Jan 26, 5:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): prayer fasting spiritual reading but mostly Gods grace\
Jan 26, 5:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): the Eurcharist. Mass
Jan 26, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Confession also helps us to receive the grace and the other sacraments
Jan 26, 5:07 PM
Simone (Guest): Not sure how much access we would have though to these in prison. But – if we have – yes – of course – very strengthening
Jan 26, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that’s true I guess some times chaplains visit
Jan 26, 5:08 PMSrSusan (Guest): It is said that each of us has a predominant fault, after which other sins follow, like links in a chain. How can we discover what is our predominant fault, and what can we do to practice the opposite virtue to combat this fault
an 26, 5:09 PM
Dawn (Guest): good question. I dont know but have started thinking about this..pedominant fault
Jan 26, 5:10 PM
Rose (Guest): prayer reveals it i think or layers to it
Jan 26, 5:10 PM
Simone (Guest): I am not a fan of th Enneagram- and how it is used nowadays. BUT – I found it sometimes very useful to help a person to discover a “root sin”. And then the spiritual development “plan” can be fine tuned better I find
Jan 26, 5:11 PMDawn (Guest): what is the eneagram?
an 26, 5:12 PM
Simone (Guest): Without the Enneagram you can of course do it also with a well done spiritual anamnesis
Jan 26, 5:12 PM
Dawn (Guest): sounds very technical
Jan 26, 5:13 PM
Simone (Guest): The Eneagram is a tool – like a personality test. Wildly used in the last years by Spiritual directors – and hobby psychologists – but I am not very fond how over estimated this test tool
Jan 26, 5:13 PM
Simone (Guest): Is
an 26, 5:14 PMSrSusan (Guest): are you saying that certain types of personalities face similar kinds of temptations or root sins
Shan 26, 5:15 PMSimone (Guest): What o absolute do not like is – when people use a test result for an excuse NOT to change. I like to use it as a window into the soul – where we are tempted not to grow into our full spiritual potential
an 26, 5:18 PMSrSusan (Guest): A good confessor who we see regularly can also help us discover tendencies if not root sins and sometimes that as well I think
Jan 26, 5:18 PM
Simone (Guest): Absolutely. The key word is. “Regularly”
Jan 26, 5:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): what is the history of the enneagram- where did it originate or by whom
Jan 26, 5:19 PM
Simone (Guest): Apparently it does come from early Christianity
Jan 26, 5:19 PM
Simone (Guest): I do think that the original idea was to find tendencies of root sins
Jan 26, 5:21 PMSrSusan (Guest): well if we do discover a root sin, say laziness, then the opposite would be easier to realize. But to engage in the opposite we still need grace
Jan 26, 5:22 PMSrSusan (Guest): How can we enkindle that little flame of God’s love, which is the metaphor that St. Francis uses, so that repeated acts of virtue become habits that are done with ease, promptitude and joy?
an 26, 5:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): to desire it
Jan 26, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes much grace to overcome – but it is already grace to have been able to name the sin and find it’s corresponding virtue
n 26, 5:24 PMRose (Guest): Doesn’t Holy Spirit help with that?
an 26, 5:25 PM
Rose (Guest): If we’re open and he’ll bring the graces
Jan 26, 5:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes invoking the Holy Spirit will bring us help and grace
Jan 26, 5:28 PM
Simone (Guest): Ladies. It is already 2:30 AM in the Austrian time zone – on which my body runs. I have to leave now – I hardly can look straight anymore. Blessings on your travels Sister and blessings on your week Dawn and Rose!
Jan 26, 5:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Thank you for being here!
Jan 26, 5:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Time for me to leave too. God bless all!
an 26, 5:24 PM