Watch here with translation below Neuvaine pour la fête de St François de Sales. 1er Jour 1st Day

How good God is to me!

Admire the goodness of God. Oh, how good my God is to me!

So it’s so good!

How rich is your heart, Lord, in mercy, overflowing with goodness!

O my soul, let us not cease to tell each other the history of all the graces He has given us.

Saint Francis de Sales. Introduction to the Devout Life,
1era part, chap. XI

2nd day

The Breath of God enlightens

The breath of God, the Holy Spirit, inspires me. The breath of God, on the other hand, not only warms, but enlightens, for the divine Spirit is an infinite light. His breath of life is called “inspiration”. Through inspiration, this supreme goodness breathes into us the desires and intentions of His Heart.

Saint Francis de Sales. Treatise on the Love of God, Book VIII

Day 3

Be who you are

“Whatever our condition, it is the way of encountering the Lord. Do not sow your desires in the garden of others, only cultivate your own well. Be what you are and be good to do honor to the Master Craftsman whose work you are.”

Saint Francis de Sales

 4Th day

Living with a heart in peace

Try to keep your heart at peace by the equality of your moods. I do not say keep him in peace, but I say: try to do it; let this be your chief concern, and keep yourself many opportunities to be troubled by the fact that you cannot quickly calm the variety of feelings of your moods.

Saint Francis de Sales. Letter 1548

5Th day

He who has won the heart of man has gained the whole man.

Nothing is small for God. Everything is great if it is lived in love: a smile, a look, a kind word, a sharing of goods… All is grace for the one who gives and for the one who receives.

Our Lord in no place in Scripture says to us: “My son, give me your head, your arms… but only: My child, give me your heart.”

He who has won the heart of man, has gained the whole man. God is God of the human heart.

Saint Francis de Sales

Neuvaine pour la fête de Saint François de Sales – 5e jour

6Th day

“He loved me, he gave himself up for me” (Gal. 2:20)

Who was I when I wasn’t? God, from the abyss of his eternity, thought of blessings for me, he meditated and determined the hour of my birth, of my baptism, of all the inspirations he would give me, and in short all the benefits he would give me and offer. Is there such sweetness as this sweetness?

Saint Francis de Sales

7Th Day

Communing with his Love

He revealed all his secrets to us as one does to the most intimate confidant. And bringing to the height of love the relationship that unites us to Him, He wanted to become our nourishment in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist

St. Francis de Sales, Treatise on the Love of God,
Book II, Chapter 12