If we are supposed to accommodate our will to God’s, is this really just God being controlling and wanting us to do what He wants?Why is obedience better than sacrifice? And is obedience a kind of sacrifice?St. Francis mentions a certain disquietude we have in our vocations: married being jealous of the single life, the single being jealous of married life. Could it also be because neither of these ways of life are our ultimate goal? In heaven we are neither married nor given in marriage and will be like th
SrSusan: nor given in marriage and will be like the angels (cf. Matthew 22:29-30). But we also will not be living according to a religious order’s rule. Could our disquietude be also because we are not yet where we belong?If we are not supposed to be discontent with our current place and vocation, is it wrong to long for heaven? Are we thereby giving in to the temptation of saying, “I would be better in this place or that”?How can we do the will of God cheerfully, especially when it calls for us to die to ourselves
and embrace suffering, etc.?Marriage as well as a celibate life within the Church is where most people throughout Christian history have found the will of God as it lies within their vocation. But what of the growing number of people who never get married, or get married later? What is their vocation as a single person? The same question can be asked for the widow or widower.
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Mar 23, 2:30 AM
SrSusan: newsletter https://visitationspirit.org/2025/03/newsletter-for-sunday-chat-mar-23/

Newsletter for Sunday chat Mar 23 | Visitation Spirit
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Mar 23, 4:25 PM
Simone29: Hello!
Mar 23, 4:26 PM
Simone29: Hi Ruth, is this you?
Mar 23, 4:26 PM
DocRuth2Day: Hurrah! I’m in!
Mar 23, 4:26 PM
Simone29: Wonderful!
Mar 23, 4:26 PM
Simone29: You are such a problem solver
Mar 23, 4:27 PM
SrSusan: Hi !
Mar 23, 4:27 PM
Simone29: Hi Sister!
Mar 23, 4:27 PM
Simone29: I cannot see your name Sister.. but that’s ok
Mar 23, 4:27 PM
SrSusan: I need you both to pray for Dawn, a tragedy her ldest son Justin David, passed away suddenly
Mar 23, 4:27 PM
DocRuth2Day: Yes, But I am surprised that it does not just say Ruth.
Mar 23, 4:28 PM
SrSusan: She e mailed to tell me
Mar 23, 4:28 PM
Simone29: oh no. That’s terribly. I am so very sorry for Dawn.
Mar 23, 4:29 PM
SrSusan: her oldest son
Mar 23, 4:29 PM
Simone29: I hope she is not all alone now
Mar 23, 4:29 PM
SrSusan: he lived in Avon NY
Mar 23, 4:29 PM
SrSusan: she lives in California
Mar 23, 4:29 PM
Simone29: It is so so hard when a child dies
Mar 23, 4:29 PM
Simone29: St. Jane de Chantal, you knew the pain so much, please be with Dawn in these days now
Mar 23, 4:30 PM
DocRuth2Day: Ohhhhh. I am so sorry! How hard that must be on her! Sr. do you know if that was the father of her two granddaughters or the some who’d been living in NYS?
Mar 23, 4:30 PM
SrSusan: the one in NYS
Mar 23, 4:31 PM
Simone29: I don’t have her address.. otherwise I could send flowers
Mar 23, 4:31 PM
Simone29: do you have her address?
Mar 23, 4:31 PM
SrSusan: I don’t know but I think the webmaster does I can ask him and get back to you
Mar 23, 4:31 PM
Simone29: that would be great Sister
Mar 23, 4:35 PM
SrSusan: 1st qIf we are supposed to accommodate our will to God’s, is this really just God being controlling and wanting us to do what He wants?
Mar 23, 4:36 PM
DocRuth2Day: My stomach aches for her, my whole body does. Mass is definitely the best thing we can do for her and for the son.
Mar 23, 4:37 PM
SrSusan: I find it hard to process myself right now
Mar 23, 4:37 PM
Simone29: I do not see it like we and God are on opposite sides and then I have to succumb to a tyrant God, who has to have his will.. That’s not the case. I see it, that were are constantly invited to become one with GOD – and that our wills merge.. and when I succumb to God’s will, than it is subduing to total love – which is a save place
Mar 23, 4:37 PMDocRuth2Day: Q.A. No. He wants us happy and he knows what will make us happy. Now and forever!
Mar 23, 4:38 PM
SrSusan: Union of wills , two hearts beating together
Mar 23, 4:38 PM
DocRuth2Day: Yes, I the will of God we are safe.
Mar 23, 4:38 PM
Simone29: your answer reminds me on the retreat I held yesterday Ruth. the theme was ” Holy is the New Happy”
Mar 23, 4:39 PM
Simone29: yes Union of wills – because there is union of hearts- and union of love
Mar 23, 4:39 PM
SrSusan: Why is obedience better than sacrifice? And is obedience a kind of sacrifice?
Mar 23, 4:39 PM
SrSusan: Why is obedience better than sacrifice? And is obedience a kind of sacrifice?
Mar 23, 4:39 PM
DocRuth2Day: Interesting. I like it! And I am pleased that you are giving retreats.
Mar 23, 4:40 PM
Simone29: I think the obedience better than sacrifice.. refers to the bible passage with Saul and the Amelkites. when Saul disobeyed God by sparing the king’s life and keeping valuables..
Mar 23, 4:41 PM
Simone29: and then justified it.. because he wanted to use it for sacrifices and worship
Mar 23, 4:41 PM
Simone29: but all that God wanted was FULL obidience
Mar 23, 4:42 PM
Simone29: interestingly.. although Saul did 80 – 90% of what God has asked him to do.. God still counted it as full DIS-obidience. Seems like particle obidience is in God’s eyes disobedience.
Mar 23, 4:42 PM
Simone29: partial— not particle
Mar 23, 4:43 PM
Simone29: on another note.. obedience is a very beautiful sacrifice I find.. sacrifice of own will
Mar 23, 4:43 PM
Simone29: I think that pleases God
Mar 23, 4:43 PM
DocRuth2Day: Sometimes obedience requires sacrifice. But that sacrifice brings about GOOD. Christ8s obedience meant the CROSS – the ultimate sacrifice, LOVE makes great and difficult sacrifices bearable, even in some ways a joy.
Mar 23, 4:43 PM
SrSusan: sometimes the obedience is to sacrifice, like an obedience we might get at the Monastery to sacrifice out desires to help someone in the kitchen
Mar 23, 4:44 PM
Simone29: obedience to charity?
Mar 23, 4:44 PM
SrSusan: yes
Mar 23, 4:44 PM
SrSusan: yes
Mar 23, 4:45 PM
Simone29: you are so right Ruth. Love really can make a great sacrifice bearable.
Mar 23, 4:45 PM
Simone29: I wish I would be better in sacrifices.. in daily life…
Mar 23, 4:45 PM
SrSusan: St. Francis mentions a certain disquietude we have in our vocations: married being jealous of the single life, the single being jealous of married life. Could it also be because neither of these ways of life are our ultimate goal?
Mar 23, 4:45 PM
DocRuth2Day: Good biblical example,Simone.
Mar 23, 4:46 PM
Simone29: it is from the letter… but I happened to use it yesterday at the retreat.. that’s why it was so fresh in my mind
Mar 23, 4:46 PM
DocRuth2Day: Good, close to home, practical example, Sr.
Mar 23, 4:47 PM
DocRuth2Day: Could be.
Mar 23, 4:48 PM
SrSusan: People like to explore life and imagine situations too
Mar 23, 4:48 PM
SrSusan: so maybe that is also a reason
Mar 23, 4:48 PM
Simone29: It certainly is misleading.. when we think that our vocational status.. is the ultimate fulfillment for us. But if someone is constantly struggling to live out their vocational status.. I find it worthy to look closer – and see what is going on. Because even when we are not super fulfilled in our vocation – there should be peace about it
Mar 23, 4:49 PM
SrSusan: If we are not supposed to be discontent with our current place and vocation, is it wrong to long for heaven? Are we thereby giving in to the temptation of saying, “I would be better in this place or that”?
Mar 23, 4:50 PM
Simone29: When I had my very deep discernment – about monastic life – or how God wants to call me.. I always arrived at the same point.. that whatever God is doing here – my life does not really make sense.. if it is not lived on the side of Peter. That was a big answer.. in the midst of my discernment
Mar 23, 4:51 PM
Simone29: Sister.. you have helped me SO MUCH.. to understand my vocational calling.. by suggesting the cloistered heart book. All of a sudden so much makes sense. I could not believe.. there are passages in the book.. there are literally “quotes” from my notes with my Spiritual Director. I have never felt so seen.. like when I read this book now
Mar 23, 4:51 PM
SrSusan: I think we go thru those questions but arrive at an answer eventually as you did I was drawn to be a hermit for a while but then I understood that while I had the capacity God wanted me in Visitation
Mar 23, 4:52 PM
SrSusan: Wow Simone its amazing that there is such a synchronicity
ar 23, 4:53 PM
Simone29: yes.. and thanks again.. for mentioning this book.
Mar 23, 4:53 PM
SrSusan: You are welcome- it came from our discussion last week and the Holy Spirit
Mar 23, 4:53 PMSimone29: I immediately called a priest friend – who has listened to my thoughts in the last years about my vocation.. and I was saying ( yelling ? of joy) .. ” I knew I heard God. I knew it. And now I know how to live it”
Mar 23, 4:55 PM
SrSusan: How can we do the will of God cheerfully, especially when it calls for us to die to ourselves
and embrace suffering, etc.?
Mar 23, 4:55 PM
DocRuth2Day: Yes. And just today I was looking at an email by a person called. Hang on Mark shrimp SHRIME who wrote a book called Solving with a capitalsolving for For WHY. About decision making. He is a surgeon and a decision scientist. Helping burned out doctors make decisions that they can be at peace with. Of course, ones medical profession does not require the permanence that marriage and/or a religious vocation does. There is still room to start a goat farm if it is what a doctor and his family can chooses
Mar 23, 4:57 PMSrSusan: For me, I don’t always do it cheefully immediately but I grow into it because I do want His Will but I resist it lso
Mar 23, 4:58 PM
Simone29: As for your last question.. I think we can be (somewhat) joyful – when we embrace detachment and humility..
Mar 23, 4:58 PM
Simone29: Also.. abandonment to God’s will is helpful..
Mar 23, 4:58 PM
Simone29: all things that have to be learned in the desert mostly..
Mar 23, 4:59 PM
DocRuth2Day: So true Simone.
Mar 23, 5:00 PM
DocRuth2Day: That may be why many founders of monasteries or religious orders had desert experiences at least before if not throughout their lives, some literally, some figuratively.
Mar 23, 5:00 PMSimone29: I think God loves when we do not accept our ” non cheerfulness” in doing His will.. but because we are so committed to love Him well.. and want to have union of will.. we do not accept our attitude and lean into change.. I think God smiles at you Sr. Susan
Mar 23, 5:03 PMSrSusan: Marriage as well as a celibate life within the Church is where most people throughout Christian history have found the will of God as it lies within their vocation. But what of the growing number of people who never get married, or get married later? What is their vocation as a single person? The same question can be asked for the widow or widower.
Mar 23, 5:05 PM
Simone29: to be honest.. I did not even really understand the question. I have been quite long a single person.. and I found that I had lived my vocational calling in that too to be honest. I never felt personally, that marriage was my “vocation”. Marriage was the context in which I lived my vocational calling.
Mar 23, 5:05 PM
SrSusan: interesting
Mar 23, 5:06 PMSimone29: Although.. interestingly.. I did feel “called” to marry Peter. But not generally to marry
Mar 23, 5:06 PM
DocRuth2Day: We are still called to serve God obediently and that means serving OTHERS, too, but clarity about specifically what that involves may be a lot harder to discern in the concrete.
Mar 23, 5:06 PM
Simone29: I just realize.. vocational callings can be as unique as people are
Mar 23, 5:06 PM
SrSusan: so your spiritual life is your calling, do you mean
Mar 23, 5:06 PM
Simone29: I just realize.. vocational callings can be as unique as people are
Mar 23, 5:06 PM
SrSusan: so your spiritual life is your calling, do you mean
Mar 23, 5:07 PM
Simone29: I assume you are asking me Sister?
Mar 23, 5:07 PM
Simone29: for me it was always my calling to be fully available for God – to be his hands and feet here.. and mostly tried to “build his kingdom” through spiritual teaching
Mar 23, 5:07 PM
SrSusan: yes Simone
Mar 23, 5:08 PM
SrSusan: I was single for 36 years and that was my vocation I guess until I discovered prayer and then monastic life
Mar 23, 5:09 PM
Simone29: 36 years.. then I assume you had a professional life before your monastic life? May I ask what you did Sister? teaching?
Mar 23, 5:09 PM
SrSusan: I was in television research at NBC
Mar 23, 5:10 PM
Simone29: oh my goodness. That sounds so exciting!
Mar 23, 5:10 PM
SrSusan: It was being in NYC but it runs dry after you discover the Lord
Mar 23, 5:11 PMSimone29: I can see that. It seems – the Lord has really called you OUT
Mar 23, 5:11 PM
Simone29: and INTO – his chamber
ar 23, 5:11 PMDocRuth2Day: My 7th grade math teacher gave me four books, sent to my 8th grade home room in another school, apparently in answer to my question, “Do you think science will ever be able to answer WHY questions?”
ar 23, 5:12 PM
Simone29: speaking about chamber.. I got an Exposition from The Songs of Songs from St. Francis de Sales.. translated by Fr. Thomas Dailey. If anyone is interested.. let me know.. It is a PdF file and easily to send via email
Mar 23, 5:12 PM
DocRuth2Day: One of those books was a Psalter. It was a tremendous help in my learning to pray.
Mar 23, 5:12 PM
SrSusan: You were an inquisitive child and thought deeply I imagine
Mar 23, 5:12 PM
Simone29: oh Ruth.. you were born to ask questions and find answers I think
Mar 23, 5:12 PM
SrSusan: Yes I’d like that Simone
Mar 23, 5:13 PM
Simone29: Ok. Sister, I will send it to you.
Mar 23, 5:14 PMDocRuth2Day: How interesting! I wrote about that bk as part of my presentation for Christ Renews His Parish.
Mar 23, 5:16 PM
DocRuth2Day: Ike sure like a copy, too.
Mar 23, 5:16 PM
Simone29: In regards to your question about Science and “WHY”.. I met with a friend today.. she is just discovering her faith again. and we talked that – the higher educated the scientists are.. the more they are willing to believe in God.
Mar 23, 5:17 PM
DocRuth2Day: They know what it is that they do not know.
Mar 23, 5:17 PM
Simone29: Exactly Ruth.
Mar 23, 5:19 PM
SrSusan: Dawn wrote just now “God bless you all. Thank you all for your faithful loving prayers…
Mar 23, 5:19 PM
DocRuth2Day: My oncologist at AMC had a PhD. As well as an MD. He had left medicine prior to his advanced studies, bought a fam and raised his kids on it. Children, not little goats.
Mar 23, 5:19 PM
Simone29: And praying we will do for our sister Dawn.
Mar 23, 5:20 PM
DocRuth2Day: Perfect. I may even get it today!
Mar 23, 5:20 PM
Simone29: Ruth, I think being a doctor is probably a little bit like being a teacher these days. You love the profession and the actual job .. but the system is so overwhelming – that your dream job can become a night mare.
Mar 23, 5:21 PMSimone29: I just read an article today in the newspaper… that doctors and nurses are so often physically attacked nowadays in the hospital. I feel sorry for them. Their job is difficult enough.. they do not need assault on top of it
Mar 23, 5:23 PMDocRuth2Day: It sure made him one of the best doctors I know. And he was a believer. He knew he had to do his best for me in every way but that it was God with whom he was working as best he could. I found that so helpful. Fortunately he retained SOME control over my care even though it could not be done at Adirondack Medical Center.
Mar 23, 5:24 PMSimone29: In the new church.. where Peter will serve soon.. there is no crucifix anywhere.. There is a HUGE Marian painting behind the altar.. and two angels.. there is a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – but nowhere a crucifix.. I love Mary.. but when there is the Eucharist.. I long to rest my eyes.. on our crucified Lord.. what do you ladies recommend me to do?
Mar 23, 5:25 PM
SrSusan: What is the Pastor like is he open
Mar 23, 5:25 PM
Simone29: I quickly talked to him yesterday.. He did not seem to be too concerned.. I mean he did not change anything yet…
Mar 23, 5:26 PM
SrSusan: maybe around Good Friday would be a time to suggest it or bring something in
Mar 23, 5:26 PM
DocRuth2Day: Is it there a crucifix on a staff to be carried in when the Lectionary is processed to the altar.?
Mar 23, 5:26 PM
DocRuth2Day: Isn’t there.
Mar 23, 5:27 PM
Simone29: yes.. Ruth.. and I am wondering.. if it could be turned to the congregation- so it would serve as a crucifix for us
Mar 23, 5:27 PM
SrSusan: yes good idea
Mar 23, 5:27 PM
SrSusan: simple enough
Mar 23, 5:27 PM
Simone29: I feel, that I should not say anything.. but I was amazed how much I missed a crucifix
Mar 23, 5:28 PMSimone29: in my church right now.. we have such a most beautiful crucifix. I will miss that one so so much when we move on
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