“Let us follow the star of divine inspiration and attraction that calls us to the manger, and there let us go and adore and love the Child Jesus and offer ourselves to him.” Saint Jeanne de Chantal (1572-1641) Foundress of the Order of the...

More and More Christmas Greetings 2024

Viva † Jesus “To win hearts, Oh, my Divine Jesus! He has fallen from the sky, Born like a child: ¡You will hold out the victory, May your love have come!” (Our Holy Hna. Margarita María Alacoque, VSM) Dearest Mother and Sisters We greet you with great joy, wishing you...

Sunday chat Dec 22

What is eternity? Is there no passage of time in heaven? Are we just frozen still?How can we make good use of our time here on earth?How can we not be too scrupulous about using our time on earth?Reflect on this: God’s plan for redemption was to come to this earth as...

On St John the Baptist

Accademia – St John the Baptist by Titian Cat314 Gospel according to Luke 3:10-18 What should we do? Have you heard, brothers and sisters, this question asked three times to John the Baptist? “What should we do?” ask the crowds. “What...