Sacred Heart Jubilee Year-Talk 2

SACRED HEART OF JESUS ​​AND THE WORD OF GOD Last time we finished our meeting with the Heart of Jesus, gentle and humble. Today, we continue with the Sacred Heart and the Word; In particular the origin of the Sacred Heart, we will finish our meeting with the pierced...

Sacred Heart Jubilee Year- Talk 1

SACRED HEART OF JESUS ​​AND THE WORD OF GOD When I hear the word Cross, the word “heart” what comes to mind? looking at the Heart of Jesus is looking at the Cross: The Cross is the Cross of Salvation The Heart is the Heart of Salvation God loved the world...

Sunday chat Sept 8

Why is failing to address an issue able make a problem worse between people?Are relationships only true when they have no issues, or based on how they resolve issues?What is wrong about being forthright? What is good about it?Do you think that St. Francis is...