Visitation Blog 

For a daily deeper devotion

Sun chat Mar 23

If we are supposed to accommodate our will to God’s, is this really just God being controlling and wanting us to do what He wants?Why is obedience better than sacrifice? And is obedience a kind of sacrifice?St. Francis mentions a certain disquietude we...

Lenten Journey

This time of Lent is an opportunity for conversion and interior renewal. I invite you to take advantage of this grace and offer you a text from a catechesis by the Pope on the capital vices. Among the capital vices, there is one that is often neglected, perhaps...

Third Week of Lent with the Spiritual Directory

and THIRD ARTICLE Meditations of Mother Jeanne de Chantal Jouzel (THIRD ARTICLE)-The Sisters who wish to prosper and make progress in the way of our Lord must at the beginning of all their actions, both interior and exterior, ask for His grace...

Newsletter for Sunday chat Mar 23

When He Wills to Employ Us, We Are So Cowardly! ,We are begin our reflections this week, pulling from a new book by St. Francis de Sales called Of Devotion, and of the Principal Exercises of Piety. Let us join together and return to this most basic and essential...


NEW SIGN IN AS OF MAR 16, 2025 Take This Extra Simple Step to Sign in to Sunday's Chat We need to increase our security at the Living Jesus Chat on Sunday. Thus we are asking chatters to log in with either Chatroll, Facebook or Twitter if they have not done so...

St. Joseph

"Let us love Saint Joseph, in gratitude for the love he had for Our Lord. When you love someone very much, you also love all the people who have devoted themselves to the person you love. Well! who was more devoted to Our Lord than Saint Joseph? None of them has done...

Second Week of Lent with Spiritual Directory

and THIRD ARTICLE Meditations of Mother Jeanne de Chantal Jouzel (THIRD ARTICLE)-The Sisters who wish to prosper and make progress in the way of our Lord must at the beginning of all their actions, both interior and exterior, ask for His grace and offer to His divine...

Newsletter for Sun Chat Mar 16

Doing That Which is Most Agreeable to God We are begin our reflections this week, pulling from a new book by St. Francis de Sales called "Of Devotion, and of the Principal Exercises of Piety." Let us join together and return to this most basic and essential principal...



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