Black History Month- Scholarly Approach to Rescued African Women in Visitation Monasteries
For many years this website has researched into the history of the Visitation Monasteries in Europe who were privileged to be part of the rescue of trafficked women in the 1800’s.
In 2014 we featured Marie Kaisale, who was rescued and placed in the Visitation Monastery of Bourg en Bresse, France.
See The “St. Bakhita’s” of the Visitation Order | Visitation Spirit
We have now discovered another approach to the life of Marie Kaisale in the scholarly paper by Helen McKelvey, entitled Religious imagery in nineteenth-century French slavery narratives, found here: Helen_McKelvey_Religious_Imagery_in_Nineteenth_Century_French_Slavery_Narratives.pdf
May you garner much insight from this work!
ST. JANE DE Chantal’s Descendants Become Visitandine Superiors!
The Gallery House is the first community that the Visitation Order settled in with the original Foundresses and still exists today, owned by the Sisters of St. Joseph, where various rooms are preserved to tell the story of St. Jane de Chantal and the Founding Sisters.
During the Order’s recent General Assembly in September of 2017, the gathered international Visitandines had the privilege of a guided tour of this facility. It was in one of the rooms that the genealogical chart of St. Jane was displayed.
Who was this Marie-Blanche, Visitandine that was listed on the genealogical chart at the Gallery House in Annecy, the Visitation Order’s first Monastery?
The chart showed that: St. Jane de Chantal’s son Celse Benigne had a daughter, Marie de Rabutin Chantal, who became famous as Madame Sevigne, an outstanding French letter writer, and who had married the Marquis de Sevigne. Most of us already knew that.
Madame Sevigne gave birth to Charles and Francoise-Marguerite. Francoise wed Monsieur de Grignan and it was she who had 3 children, Marie-Blanche, the Visitandine, Pauline and an unnamed son on the chart.
So, where was Marie Blanche’s Visitation community and what was her vocation story?
Marie Blanche de Grignan was the great-great granddaughter of the Visitation Order’s Foundress, St. Jane de Chantal, and the granddaughter of the famous letter writer, Madame Sevigne. Her mother Francoise, married to François Adhémar de Monteil, comte de Grignan, traveled very often, and left the little girl , born in 1670, with her grandmother Madame Sevigne, who cherished her.
As was common in those days, children of the nobility were often placed in the care of religious in boarding schools where they obtained a fine education.
Such was the situation with Marie-Blanche who at nearly six years old was sent to the boarding academy of the Visitation Nuns of the First Monastery of the Visitation in Aix-en-Provence.
In her case, she never left!
Between 16 and 18 years of age, she pronounced her vows as a Visitation Nun, and remained in the same community in Aix until her death at 61 years old in 1730.
That is her vocation story, in brief.
Did she resign herself to this vocation? Was she truly called? Was Marie Blanche a product of her society which encouraged first born daughters with younger brothers to be sent to convents, so the son of the family could be the heir?
Some claim those suspicions but in any case, she lived her whole life as a monastic and was even elected Superior. The Annee Sainte publication, Tome X, with the brief story of her life shows her to be a model religious.
This sister did not degenerate from her illustrious origin, and, abandoning vain grandeur, all her ambition was to follow the footsteps of her illustrious great great grandmother, our holy Mother Jane de Chantal. Her talents led her to be given various charges in the Monastery: portress, infirmarian, bursar, sacristan, assistant to the Superior, and towards the end of her life, Superior. She died a holy death after tremendous suffering, in 1730.
A generation closer to our Foundress, St Jane de Chantal, than Marie-Blanche de Grignan (Sr Francoise Marie, Visitandine) was St. Jane’s great granddaughter, Diane, whose grandmother was Francoise, the only child of St. Jane to survive her. This granddaughter, Diane, also became a Visitation Nun and Superior, with the religious name of Sister Jacqueline Therese, at the Paris Visitation Monastery.
Her vocation story and her life’s path is told in the Annee Sainte, Volume 1.
“God filled with our spirit our dear Sister Jacqueline Therese de Bussy-Rabutin, for the support and the conservation of our Monasteries, many of which were then threatened with complete destruction by the ruin of their finances. She was the daughter of the amiable Gabrielle de Toulongeon, who owed her life to the prayer of our blessed Foundress, her holy grandmother. We know that Toulongeon, having lost her first two children, at the moment of their birth, and not expecting the preservation of the third, dragged herself to meet her holy Mother, when she arrived at the castle of Allonne, in 1622, to solicit a blessing that was followed by the happiest result. Shortly thereafter, the desired child came into the world and was named Diane.
A Visitation student
Gabrielle, her mother, died at the age of twenty-five, leaving three daughters whom she wished to entrust to Mother Marie-Helene de Chatellux, her best friend, to be the benefactors of the new Monastery of Avallon; but the Countess de Bussy-Rabutin,mother of her husband, asked that she could raise the eldest of her granddaughters, Diane, and keep her near her. Our dear Sister remained with her grandmother until the age of fifteen. So, twice orphaned, she was placed in our first monastery of Paris as a student. She did not think at that moment that she would one day embrace religious life, so contrary to her nature; but God had chosen her to preserve many of the monasteries that her holy great grandmother had founded. The examples she had before her touched her; a few months had scarcely elapsed when she begged a novice, at the moment of making profession, to obtain for her, the grace of a vocation. This prayer was answered.
Becoming a Visitandine Nun
Finally, she was clothed in our holy habit. This dear Sister was noted during her novitiate for an ever-increasing fervor.
But her family affairs delaying her consecration, the demon used this delay to afflict her with a violent temptation against her holy state. Her pain and disgust for all the exercises equaled the joy and genuine satisfaction she had found so far in their practice. She believed that this change of disposition was a proof that God did not wish her to persevere, which made her say that, having embraced the religious state by the divine will, she thought of leaving him out of love for that same will. “Never,” said she, “will human respect have any part in my determination, whatever it may be, because I want to contemplate only my salvation; and I will not see him except in the state where God has called me”. This good God granted her the grace to simply share her grief with the venerable Mother Louise Eugenie de Fontaine, who, with her great gift for the conduct of souls, soon made her understand the artifice of the devil. The novice faithfully followed the advice given to her; the temptation vanished so perfectly that, seeing herself compelled to undertake a journey to Burgundy to complete her business, she asked and obtained not to leave the religious habit. Her conduct showed that she was worthy of this favor. Her modesty, her recollection, her distance from the world, even in her father’s house; her wise and religious answers attracted the respect and admiration of all.
As soon as her presence was no longer necessary to her father, she retired to our monastery at Autun to await the conclusion of her affairs. Our dear Sisters were so edified by her virtue, that they offered to admit her to the holy profession without making her begin her novitiate again. But Paris was better suited to her desire to live unknown and hidden. She returned, which caused great joy, and made profession on November 19, 1662. Her devotion, her ability, her zeal appeared in the various offices where she was placed. This dear Sister had a very fine mind, so she was seen to succeed in all the enterprises with which she was charged, no matter how difficult they may appear. To the rectitude of her judgment, to her good practical sense, she could be recognized as a granddaughter of our holy Mother. This lively and profound faith produced great fruits when, for several years, our dear SisterThérèse-Jacqueline was in charge of the education of the little sisters. She communicated to these young souls the solid piety, the devotion she herself possessed eminently, and a great zeal for the adornment of the holy altars. They were seen sacrificing to them the small rewards received from their families.
Becomes Superior an another Visitation Monastery
In the office of Director and in that of Superior, which she filled at Saumur Visitation Monastery, we saw the love of our beloved Sister appear for the observance, as also her application to print in hearts the necessity of the union fraternal. “It is there,” said she, “after our holy Founder, the spirit” which must animate a true daughter of St. Mary. It was in 1683 that the Community of Saumur elected her Superior, after the government of Mother Marie-Henriette Sibour. This dear Community was struggling out of extreme poverty, where wars and a series of disasters had been constantly taking place. The first care of the last Superiors had been to raise the house of God and build dormitories. Mother Jacqueline-Therese undertook to erect a whole house, using materials from ancient demolitions, and five thousand pounds of alms donated by her friends and monasteries. Then she finished acquiring the necessary places for the Community to have a suitable enclosure, and demolished the old buildings there. Assisted by the divine protection, despite contradictions of which a lesser strength of spirit than hers would never have been victorious, she succeeded in raising five hundred walls, two or three feet wide, and seeing enough material, she laid the foundations of another building. She stopped, because the house could not sustain more expenses; but she drew up the whole plan of the monastery, and she did not forget to mark the oratory of Divine Providence, from which she had received so much assistance. The Community of Samur, having never had any other support than this amorous Providence, was indebted to it for a very special worship. These solicitations never harmed the vigilance of the good Mother Jacqueline-Therese for the spiritual advancement of her daughters; she had only to maintain them in submission, union, and regularity.
Sister Jacqueline Therese Returns to Paris Visitation Monastery and is Novice Directress
On her return to the first monastery of Paris, she was appointed novice director, a position she held for many years, although she had to deal with the most complicated matters. Deeply penetrated by the importance of a job on which the future of a Community depends, she was particularly interested in making the postulants understand the greatness of the obligations they wished to contract, which she was doing with a lot of strength. A novice asking her if she did not fear frightening them: “No,” she replied, “I only apprehend one thing, it is that you do not grasp enough the engagement which a religious soul sacrifices everything to God without reservation.”
Her instructions were based on three practices: charity, obedience, and the inner spirit. Often this zealous Director was telling her dear flock that nothing would have been more capable of making her die of sorrow than to see the girls whom she had brought up to relax in the exercise of these virtues. She corrected with severity the contrary defects; and when she perceived that her words were insufficient, she blamed herself, saying that her sins were the cause of the faults of her novices. Then she assembled them in the evening at the novitiate, and took a harsh discipline for the expiation of their failings. Her eyes were constantly fixed on these young souls; nothing escaped her vigilance. She remarked the fidelity of each in the smallest things, gave the first example, and animated them to form the custom of virtue by holy industries. The charity of this Director so eminently religious extended to all her novices, but it was incomparable to those who were labored with temptations and sorrows. Everything had to yield when it came to relieving these souls. Our Sister Jacqueline Therese spared neither the fatigues of the day nor the repose of the night; she warned them with affability, opened their hearts to them with rare talent, and, whatever business she had, did not pass a day without speaking to them. One evening, after the retreat, she went to find a novice to ask her to find out what was causing her grief, telling her that she felt pressured to go to her, that she was not disguising anything. The young Sister, who had not spoken of her condition to anyone, did not doubt that it was the spirit of God who led her dear Mistress. She opened her heart to her, and it was with such success that peace and joy succeeded to the trouble and sadness under which she succumbed. All the novices had been ordered never to lie down, when something worried them, without telling her. The devoted Director received them with so much kindness and gentleness that it was impossible for them to refuse their perfect confidence. Thus, by her example, she taught them the dear virtues of charity and union, all of whose efforts tended to make them understand necessity; she would have liked to establish them in hearts at the expense of her blood and her life; “For,” said she, “these virtues are the supreme good of the Communities,” and their absence produces the complete destruction of the most flourishing Houses. “
Her Fervor
What was admired in our virtuous Sister, in the midst of so much embarrassment, was the deep recollection which she preserved among occupations which dry out the soul. Her affable manner, her devout words penetrated her novices and made them say: “Our Mistress is constantly in fervor. The humble Director confessed to them, in a confident simplicity, that this grace had been granted to her because she had taken it to heart to do, at every moment, what the order of God required of her. For the same reason, she was never distracted during her pious exercises.
The fatigues to which she gave herself occasioned two great diseases, and her health remained entirely destroyed. But it did not matter to her to enjoy or suffer, provided she devoted herself to the dear neighbor: “I am very glad,” said she, “to have had the opportunity of sacrificing my life for holy charity, and to maintain the union with our dear Monasteries. “Her real test was to feel, in various circumstances, the effects of human ingratitude; it was also the triumph of her virtue. On these occasions, she was shown as much cordiality and openness of heart to the people who afflicted her as those which remained to her the most devoted. The Sisters, witnesses of the sorrows she had had, asked her how, with her natural sensitivity, she could thus make herself Mistress of herself: “I admit that nature” suffers a lot, “she replied,” but thank God for “giving me the means to destroy it and give it something else “I always feel ready to render a service to people for whom” I might be supposed to be the most remote. “. One day, a Sister, who was sincerely attached to her, testified to her that she felt for her a great deal of humiliation and mortification; At this word, our virtuous Sister replied affectionately: “Thank Our Lord that he has made me worthy to suffer something for his love.” She then acted with as much affability and gentleness toward the woman who had offended her, as if she had been very satisfied with her methods. In another meeting, where she would have needed only one word to justify herself, she never wanted to say it, because she felt that a Nun must sacrifice everything to God, even her reputation, which is usually the thing for which one feels the most pain to die. It was her ordinary exercise, that inner sacrifice of all that touched her, no matter how painful she felt. One day she was brought a letter filled with very humiliating reproaches and very mortifying inventions. Realizing that her Superior had contented herself with opening it without reading it, she experienced a certain natural joy; but, As she feared to lose the slightest opportunity of destroying her nature, she generously bore this epistle to her, and begged her to read it. She never gave resentment to the person who had caused her such displeasure.
To support herself in the midst of incessant labors, our virtuous Sister made her usual food of the Writings of our holy Founder, whom she loved with incomparable love. The Treatise on the Love of God especially, of which she re-read each day a few pages, had for her mind and her heart always new attractions. When she spoke of this blessed Father, it was with ardor and anointing that gave to others.
Sickness and Death in 1700
On St. Thomas’s Day, 1699, while she was a counselor on the examination of accounts, she was suddenly seized with sickness; two days later, the smallpox appeared. She had to be separated from the Community. The virtuous patient testified in this sacrifice and in all her illness only submission to the will of God. Her patience grew from day to day with her sufferings and was the edification of those who cared for her. It was seen, despite the violence of evil, to practice virtue everywhere.This proved highly the holy habit she had contracted. Although her body was no more than a painful wound, her soul preserved a profound peace; the sight of all the privations which her condition entailed could not alter or disturb for a moment this tranquility. Her heart was so sensitive to the things of God, that at the height of her pains a word of piety immediately made her return to her. She asked the doctor what he thought of her illness, begging him not to flatter her, assuring her that she did not fear death; he replied, “Sister, there is nothing to be afraid of, and little to hope for. Our dear Sister thanked him, and assured him of his prayers in gratitude for the service he had just rendered her.
She made the sacrifice of one of her eyes with admirable generosity, resigning herself also to losing the other eye which was beginning to darken, and giving herself to God without reserve, in the manner that would be most agreeable to her. Gangrene began in this state of universal suffering, our good patient, always gentle, polite, affable, and grateful for the least services rendered to her did not complain and would only die in obedience, in imitation of Our Lord . In this spirit she submitted herself as a child to the Sister who was specially charged with the care of her, as she would have done to her Superior. She would not take a drop of water, or do anything without asking permission. It was in these holy dispositions that she received the Sacraments. She begged her nurse to ask, on her behalf, to pardon the community for the pain and discontent she had given in general and in particular; adding that she was dying with gratitude for the kindness and services she had received. She was asked if she would do anything to tell her parents, and especially to Mme the Countess de Dalet, her sister, whom she loved dearly. She replied that it was too late to think of the things of the earth, that one should only consider holy eternity.
This dying virtuous made acts of faith, hope, contrition and love with a presence of mind and tranquility as great as if she had made them produce to another. God rewarded her incomparable charity with a sweet death; she gave the last sigh as peacefully as a child who falls asleep on her mother’s breast.
Not only her Community, but the whole Institute, which she had so tenderly loved, regretted this devoted Sister. Almost all our French Monasteries wanted, out of gratitude for the services she had given them, and because of what she was to our worthy Mother of Chantal, to celebrate services and recite prayers for the repose of her soul .
Our Holy Source gave her particular regrets, and our Community of Autun, who at that time was making every effort to have her placed on their catalog, wished, in testimony of her particular obligations towards the dear deceased, as well as special respect of the whole city for our holy Mother, that besides the prayers, communions and Masses that were applied, a service was attended in the church of the Monastery attended by Mgr d’Autun and a part of the nobility of the surroundings.”
THEREFORE we can see that Sister Jacqueline Therese was a true great granddaughter of our Foundress, St. Jane de Chantal!

Frédéric Meyer
“There is nothing better than good religious, nothing worse than bad ones,”wrote Francis de Sales in 1604, about the diocese of Geneva, according to him “the more exposed to the scourge of bad figs. ‘ If, in turn, the spiritual writer,the director of souls, the founder of the Visitation have been studied, his role of bishop of Geneva (more exactly of Geneva-Annecy) from 1602 to 1622
has less attracted researchers. In his day, the question of the relationship between Bishops and regulars arose in all dioceses. Facing the multiplication in the late-16th and early-16th century cities of reformed or new religious orders, prelates were sometimes enthusiastic, more often cautious about what might appear to be competition and posing problems of control.
Scholars with New Works Discuss St Francis de Sales- Video
This week, La Foi prise au mot (Faith at your word )invites you to discover a high figure of the 17th century: Saint Francis de Sales. What is often said is quite brief. Born in Savoy in 1567, he became bishop of Annecy, challenged the Protestants and died after having founded the order of the Visitation. But what about the Introduction to the Devout Life, one of the best-sellers of spirituality until the 20th century? What to say about Salesian spirituality? To answer these questions we receive Hélène Michon, philosopher, lecturer at the University Francois Rabelais of Tours, author of “Saint Francis de Sales. A new mystique “at Editions du Cerf, and Thomas Gueydier who is preparing a thesis, St. Augustine in the work of François de Sales, as part of the Doctoral School of Human Sciences and Society in Tours. 21/01/2018.
In French!
UPCOMING CONFERENCE SEPTEMBER 2018 on St Jane’s relatives:
Information published on 20 November 2017 by Marc Escola (source: Myriam Tsimbidy)
May 10, 2018
Castle of Bussy-RabutinStudy DaySaturday, September 8, 2018 at the Château de Bussy RabutinFemale HorizonsIn this fourth centenary of his birth, the Society of Friends of Bussy-Rabutin and the Center for Research on Classical Europe (EA 4593 CLARE, University Bordeaux-Montaigne) have chosen to devote the study day they organize the Saturday, September 8, 2018 to the Female Horizons of the author of the Histoire amoureuse des Gaules. Listed in the extension of literary Horizons and libertines (Rabutinages n ° 24 and n ° 26), this meeting will be the occasion to approach the feminine figures in the life and the work of Bussy. The presentation of these is indeed too often demarcated from the works, whereas they could inspire them or contribute to their elaboration (Maxims of love, History love, Collection of letters to the king) and that they often occupied a respectable position in the life of the court and letters.The day is therefore intended to bring to the foreground personalities who make the richness of the work of Bussy and, in doing so, to help to grasp its complexity while nuancing the portrait of the writer, the letter writer and from the master of the castle.First of all, it is necessary to complete the evocations proposed by the memorialist of his two wives: Gabrielle de Toulongeon and Louise de Rouville, so as to better understand the place he has successively given them in his writings in the first person. It is then a question of attaching to emblematic figures, starting with Mme de Sévigné. While the complexity of the relationship between the letter-writer and his cousin has been widely described, there may have been a lack of awareness of each other’s understanding of the love that the other person had for one of them. his children, nor the fact that Madame de Grignan held a relatively regular correspondent with Bussy. This close association explains in part why Mme de Coligny, her daughter and zealous collaborator of the last part of the work, eclipsed the touching figure of Diane Jacqueline, a visitingandine at the convent of the Faubourg Saint-Antoine, as well as that from Charlotte, abbess of Prâlons …It was then Madame de Montglas: at the heart of Bussy’s novel and satirical work, Iris, Belise and the Infidel, she left by her participation in the precious society literary, architectural or decorative elements that illuminate the personality and evolution of the exile? It is still Mademoiselle de Montpensier who also experienced exile and with whom he builds a friendship that crosses time. Beyond, his desire to gather in his house of Bussy the portrait of all his beautiful friends, testifies with superb strength of the links he has woven with remarkable women by themselves as much as by their relationship with him. However, just as he developed his work after his exile, so too, he was able to renew his friendship with Mme de Scudéry and establish new relationships (Mrs Bossuet, but also, later, Mrs de Maisons). So many female figures to study.The feminine horizons thus want to re-examine the rabutine gallantry which does not hesitate to pin the false prudes and coquettes in the name of the sincerity and the authenticity of the feelings, while studying the nuances of these honest friendships made of confidence and sometimes loving affection.The twenty-five-minute papers will be published in Rabutinages, the Society’s journal. Proposals should be sent before May 10, 2018 to:Christophe Blanquie (Society of the friends of Bussy-Rabutin) ch.blanquie@outlook.comMyriam Tsimbidy (CEREC / CLARE)
Rhetorical Studies, ed. Cinthia Garnett and John C. Berenton
(New York: Fordham University Press, 2016), 102-15. A close reading and important analysis of Francis’s 1604 letter on
preaching to André Frémyot in its historical context.
Two New articles:
Visitation: Mystery of Presence, Community of Women for Women
June 23, 2015 · Fr. Joseph Boenzi, SDB, volume 16, Journal of Salesian Studies
Read abstract here:
*************************************************************Education by Visitation Nuns in Spain: a paper in Spanish:
Patronato regio y preocupaciónpedagógica en la España delsiglo xviii: El Real Monasterio de laVisitación de Madrid
The Sweet and Gentle Struggle : Francis de Sales on the Necessity of Spiritual Friendship by Terence A. McGoldrick
Just published! New work in English:
Book Video:
New work in French: When Visitandines take the Pen: writings:
The late scholar Helene Bordes’ entire work on the Sermons of St Francis de Sales are available here, in French: |
Les sermons de François de Sales [Ressource électronique] / Hélène Bordes ; sous la direction de Jacques Hennequin |
Bordes, Hélène (1926-….). AuteurHennequin, Jacques (1929-….). Directeur de thèseUniversité de Metz. Organisme de soutenance |
2012 |
français |
France |
Metz : Université de Metz, 2012 |
Données textuelles |
Accès à la thèse en texte intégral. Tome 1Accès à la thèse en texte intégral. Tome 2Accès à la thèse en texte intégral. Tome 3Accès à la thèse en texte intégral. Tome 4Accès à la thèse en texte intégral. Tome 5Accès à la thèse en texte intégral. Tome 6Accès à la thèse en texte intégral. Tome 7-2Accès à la thèse en texte intégral. Tome 7-1Accès à la thèse en texte intégral. Tome 8 |
The March 2015 edition of the newsletter of the International Commission of Salesian Studies is now online and its cover article by Fr. Ken McKenna, OSFS highlights The Treasure of St. Francis de Sales’ Spiritual Directory.
You may access the newsletter here by clicking on the link, the clicking on “newsletters” on the banner, followed by clicking on March 2015.
Book on the Visitation Monastery of Salo available on line, in Italian, here:
Authoritative letters: Jeanne de Chantal and feminine authority in the early modern Catholic Church
Abstract (summary)
The early modern period of a time of religious renewal and upheaval that resulted in a wealth of new religious orders, particularly those for women. During this period of change, Catholic women responded to the threat of Protestantism by adapting the convent to their own needs. One of the most successful orders for women was the Congregation of the Visitation, founded by Jeanne de Chantal and François de Sales. The history of the Visitation tends to focus on de Sales rather than its cofounder de Chantal. This thesis attempts to reconcile this omission, detailing de Chantal’s ability to demonstrate and enact her authority through the mode of letters. In doing so, this paper enters into a conversation on religious revival in the early modern period by illustrating the porous nature of the early modern convent and the role women had in shaping early modern religiosity.
Salesian Scholar Seminar will be held October 8-12, 2014 at De Sales Resources & Ministries, Stella Niagara, NY. The theme is: Love in the Salesian Tradition and the Treatise on the Love of God. Please contact:
The Director of Salesian Studies from the Institute of Salesian Studies in Berkeley, California would like to make you aware of a special project now in progress.
The Institute is trying to digitize the Journal of Salesian Studies to make it accessible and also to relaunch the Journal by August 2014.
For sample articles, please go to:
To learn how you can help in this project, please go to:
First Deadline is January 24th 2014, the Feast of St. Francis de Sales!
Kickstarter here!
New ICSS Newletter for November 2013 on St Francis de Sales and Vatican 11 : Click here then go to newletters then NOv 2013:
********************************************************************************************************The The latest issue of the ICSS Newsletter is a wonderful testament to Salesian scholars and the recently beatified Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS, Founder of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.
Full color photographs of the beatification ceremony in September 2012 accompany the scholarly and very interesting articles with these titles:
To Live with One Heart:Louis Brisson and the Salesian Pentecost
Wendy M. Wright
Notre Bon Père, Our Good Father:Fr. Louis Brisson in the Hearts of His Oblate Sisters
Sr. Anne Elizabeth Eder, OSFS, with the assistance of Sr. Susan Louise Eder, OSFS, and Sr. John Elizabeth Callaghan, OSFS
“[C]hoice and formation do not coincide”:Fr. Brisson and the Foundation and Charism of the De Sales Oblates
Joseph F. Chorpenning, OSFS
History of the Cause of Blessed Louis Brisson
Sr. Madeleine-Thérèse Dechambre, OSFS
To access this newsletter, go to this link:
click on newsletter and then January 2013 and you should get it.
Many of you have heard of St. Faustina and the revelations of the Divine Mercy of Our Lord Jesus.
But have you heard of the Apostle of Merciful Love, Sister Marie Teresa Desandais?
She was a Visitation Nun who also was given revelations of Merciful Love, a contemporary of St. Faustina, though a generation older.
Currently Spanish scholars are re discovering Sister Maria Teressa Desandais and publishing articles and books, all in Spanish and French, at present. Two such scholars are: Federico M Requena and Pablo Ramon Verdeja Fernandez.
Currently certain of the works are available on line:
Aproximación teológica al mensaje deMaría Teresa Desandais sobre el amormisericordioso difundido en España:
Book: Autobiography of Sister Marie Theresa:
Just Issued: Collection of Conferences from Paris; Nov 14, 15 2010
The Spirituality of the Heart, published by the College des Bernardins, in French.
Read about the Salesian Scholars Seminar here:
Deep scholarly articles on St. Francis de Sales, here, in French; easily translated into your language of choice via computer:
Papers include:
Rereading St. Francis de Sales
[ First lines ] [ HTML Version ] [ PDF Version ]
Francis de Sales Mystical Anthropology
[ First lines ] [ HTML Version ] [ PDF Version ]
The Impossible Assumption François de Sales From Descartes
[ First lines ] [ HTML Version ] [ PDF Version ]
Bee and dove in meditation of St Francis de Sales
[ First lines ] [ HTML Version ] [ PDF Version ]
Innocent love in the Treatise on the Love of God
First lines ] [ HTML Version ] [ PDF Version ]
Latest Newsletter of the International Commission of Salesian Spirituality:
Then go to NEWSLETTER tab for the newsletter
The 2012 Salesian Scholars Seminar will take place at DeSales Resources & Ministries, Stella Niagara, NY on October 18-21, 2012.
The theme of the 2012 Seminar will be: “Pentecost in the Salesian Tradition”–a topic that is understood in the broadest sense so as to encompass a wide range of topics (such as the foundation of the Visitation Order, the Visitation mystery, the Eucharist, the Sacred Heart, the so-called 19th-century Salesian Pentecost, etc.–to offer just a few examples).
Arrival is Thursday, October 18. Participant papers will be presented and discussed on Friday and Saturday. Departure is Sunday, October 21.
If you are interested in further information or in submitting a request to attend, contact either of the Seminar leaders below:
Joseph F. Chorpenning, O.S.F.S.
Chairman, International Commission
on Salesian Studies (ICSS)
Editorial Director, Saint Joseph’s
University Press
5600 City Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19131-1395
Tel. (610) 660-1214
Fax (610) 660-1257
Wendy M. Wright, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology
John C. Kenefick Faculty
Chair in the Humanities
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Omaha NE 68178
Tel. (402) 280-2611
Fax (402) 280-2502
Source: De Sales Resources and Ministries
July 15, 2012
Just discovered this!
The Monastic Republic of Letters of the Belgian Visitandines in the Late Seventeenth Century
Ping-Yuan Wang, Ohio University Lancaster
Epistolary exchange within the monastic sphere found close parallels in the secular world in the late seventeenth century. This paper analyzes the Visitandine (the Visitation Order) circular letters in Brussels, 1668-1710. I argue that letters circulated among Visitandine houses created a monastic Republic of Letters, in which the act of writing became a discursive practice that fostered a sense of community within a well-defined institution. While convent writings have been studied mainly for spirituality or the social history of the cloister, this paper emphasizes the self-regulatory and normalizing effects in nuns’ epistolary exchange.
Founded in 1610, Visitandine spirituality favored the “little virtues” in life – gentility, graciousness, and meekness – over the intense asceticism that characterized most contemplative orders. Specifically, these “little virtues” supplied the elite notion of honnêteté with spiritual substance. The circular letters were the Order’s prescribed media for Visitandine houses throughout Europe to connect and communicate with each other. They were largely formulaic in style and content. The Brussels Visitandines’ circulars exuded civility and politesse that were central to seventeenth-century “polite conversation.” They recounted the mundane routines in the convent and life-stories of recently deceased nuns with well-balanced sincerity and formality.
I argue that the Visitandines’ public display of conformity to rules of “polite conversation” launched a self-sustaining mechanism that reinforced codes of conduct as well as fostered a sense of community. The monastic processes of identity-formation were strikingly similar with those found within other corporate bodies. With a focus on how writing shaped the concept of community, my paper brings Catholic religious women into a recently renewed discussion about the reciprocal relationship between the individual and community in the early modern period. My analysis also sheds light on the broader cultural significance as well as historical relevance of female monasticism.
June 8 2012
Freedom… religious liberty… 4th of July….
All these words stir up particular sentiments in our hearts.
St. Francis de Sales had his own unique perspective on freedom, and Fr. Eunan McDonnell, SDB, in his book, The Concept of Freedom in the Writings of St. Francis de Sales, makes a timely and important contribution to both scholarship and daily living.
Fr. Alexander Pocetto, OSFS, says in his foreword to the book,”Fr. Eunan McDonnell, SDB, has tackled the formidable task of the concept of freedom in the works of the Doctor of Love with those qualities of a pearl diver so esteemed by the saint and has uncovered for us many facets of his teachings that shine forth like inestimable pearls. Taking the intellectual temper of our times in mind as the saint himself avowedly did in writing the above-mentioned spiritual classic, (Treatise on the Love of God)Fr. Eunan has brought to bear his not inconsiderable acute powers of analysis and a solid background in philosophy, theology and spirituality to bear on his reading and understanding of many of the saint’s texts and certain aspects of his life.
..The relationship between freedom and love, that is woven into the very fabric of the saint’s writings and life and uses it very effectively to unfold for us the rich implications of this fundamental and optimistic orientation.
Fr. Eunan faces squarely the climate of many misrepresentations and misconceptions in our world today of the concept of freedom and proceeds to deftly show how the saint’s view of this essential quality of human nature can fruitfully engage our culture fashioned by the ideas of freedom of such influential thinkers as John Stuart Mill, Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre. These thinkers, especially the latter, viewed human freedom essentially as an absolute value that stresses man’s autonomy, self-determination and individuality to the detriment of the common good and an authentic human flourishing. He viewed religion as incompatible with and diametrically opposed to human freedom. Fr. Eunan convincingly demonstrates how the saint’s ideas of freedom differ fundamentally from these pernicious and persistent influences.”
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A recent dissertation entitled: The Reform of Zeal: Francois de Sales and Militant Catholicism During the French Wars of Religion, by Thomas A. Donlan, published in 2011 by the University of Arizona, can be found here:
This study sheds light ” on one French Catholic, Francois de Sales, who did critique the violence of the Wars of Religion on religious grounds and actively promoted a nonmilitant conceptualization and practice of piety as well. Indeed, as we shall see, in the Order of the Visitation, de Sales suceeds in creating a new religious order committed to cultivating interpersonal relationships and forms of worship characterized by gentleness.” (page 25)
A new Book has been published, in French, reflecting talks from the 3 Conference Days held in Annecy June 2010 during the 400th anniversary year of the Visitation Order.
What a revelation to learn that so many University scholars and Professors are studying so many aspects of the Visitation Order!Some of the topics covered were the nature of our Circular letters, canon law and the Visitation and historical perspectives.
There were two excellent talks in particular, one of Ven Anne Madeleine Remuzat; another a study on Visitation “cells.”. A third talk was about the beatification and canonization of St Jane and a fourth on Bremond and the Visitation., the fifth being on St Therese and the Visitation.
The Book” Pour Annecy et Pour le Monde” may be purchased in the United States for $35.00 from Michael Shamansky Booksellers Inc.
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From the Diocese of Annecy, a review:
… : l’ordre de la Visitation (1610-2010). Les Archives départementales de la Haute-Savoie viennent de faire paraître les actes du colloque international qui s’est tenu à Annecy du 1er au 3 juin 2010, dans le cadre de la Célébration nationale du 4e centenaire de la fondation de la Visitation à Annecy.
L’histoire religieuse et particulièrement l’histoire du clergé régulier féminin, dont les formes évoluent et se diversifient au cours des siècles, demeure un champ de recherche permanent. La célébration de ces 400 ans et de l’essaimage qui s’ensuivit a réuni des spécialistes de provenances larges (Belgique, France, Italie) pour revisiter quatre dimensions de l’ordre de la Visitation et de ses monastères : la chrono-géographie et l’organisation de l’Ordre, ses fonctions sociales – incluant l’enseignement et les rapports à la société civile –, l’architecture et la fonction économique, les spiritualités de la Visitation. L’accent a porté singulièrement, mais pas exclusivement, sur la période contemporaine si peu explorée à ce jour. Ce livre est enrichi par un rapport archivistique très large sur les sources en France.
C’est le parti qu’a retenu le conseil scientifique à l’origine de cet ouvrage, qui réunit les plus importantes contributions présentées en juin 2010 dans le cadre de ce colloque.
L’ouvrage : Pour Annecy et pour le monde : l’ordre de la Visitation (1610-2010)
Archives départementales de la Haute-Savoie-Silvana Editoriale, Actes du colloque réunis par Marie-Élisabeth Henneau, Paola Vismara, Bernard Barbiche, Julien Coppier, Yves Kinossian et Claude Langlois, Annecy, 2011, 387 p., cahier couleur de 12 p.
Pour commander : ISBN : 9788836622214
Prix de vente : 18 Euros
Ouvrage aux Archives départementales de la Haute-Savoie ou en librairie.
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Diocese of Annecy