by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 27, 2019 | Advent, MYSTIC OF THE MONTH, Saintly Visitandines, Salesian Spirituality, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
And greetings from Visitation Monastery, Santiago. “Behold, I wake up to offer the Child, who is born in a poor portal for my love, my soul, my heart and all my senses. But I hear him crying because of the rigor of the cold between us … Oh, what a pity, my...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 25, 2019 | Advent, Salesian Spirituality
Perfect Confidence by Sister Mary Berchmans Hannan, VHM, ’48 & ’50, Mother Superior and President Emerita, Georgetown A picture of my two young grandnephews, sitting on the top stair of their home in their Christmas pajamas, with looks of joyous...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 22, 2019 | Advent
V+J JUBILEE CHRISTMAS We’re invited to celebrate a Christmas Jubilee Our Lord’s Infant Heart will set us free Gifted by this tiny Babe Missioned to us to give and save. Our hearts, too, burn about His crib Ashed into silence, our sins He forgives. Flames of love...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 22, 2019 | Advent
„Stern über Bethlehem, zeig uns den Weg, führ uns zur Krippe hin, zeig wo sie steht. Leuchte du uns voran, bis wir dort sind, Stern über Bethlehem, führ uns zum Kind. Stern über Bethlehem, nun bleibst du stehn. Und lässt uns alle das Wunder hier sehn, das da...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 22, 2019 | Advent
Como los humildes pastores acudamos a esta Fuente inagotable del Corazón del Niño Dios que nace en Belén, pues no busca otra cosa que derramarse en los humildes. Queridos familiares y amigos: nos es particularmente grato felicitaros y felicitarnos porque creemos en el...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 17, 2019 | Advent
Tuesday 17 December 2019 From today, we are entering the period of preparation for Christmas, where the liturgy has us sing the “great Ô Antiphons”. We suggest presenting these Antiphons day by day, followed by a meditation which links them to the mystery of the Heart...