by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 22, 2020 | Advent
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 21, 2020 | Advent
Viva + Jesús “Jesús en el pesebre: He aquí una buena lección para aprender que las grandezas de este mundo son ilusión y mentira”. San Francisco de Sales. A nuestras queridas Madres y Hermanas de nuestros amados Monasterios de Nuestra Santa Orden les deseamos una...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 19, 2020 | Advent
Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, Superior of the Visitation Monastery in both Paris and Troyes, France in the mid-1800’s, was also the inspiration for the foundation of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales through Blessed Louis Brisson. Sunday :From a conference Mother...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 17, 2020 | Advent
Contempla al pequeñín en el pesebre o en los brazos de su madre y mira con cuánto amor y reverencia la Virgen María miraría al recién nacido. Te ruego que reposes lo más dulcemente posible junto al precioso Angelito y Él recibirá las aspiraciones de nuestro...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 17, 2020 | Advent
O Antiphons in the Heart of Jesus 17 December From today, we are entering the period of preparation for Christmas, where the liturgy has us sing the “great Ô Antiphons”. We suggest presenting these Antiphons day by day, followed by a meditation which links them to the...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 14, 2020 | Advent
From the cloistered nuns of Treviso the wish for a Christmas in which everyone can find themselves “The limitations of this time as an opportunity to rediscover the essential” 12/12/2020 16:18 | Roberto Grigoletto | The cloistered monastery of the...