Sunday chat Mar 2

Feb 27, 6:23 AM SrSusan (Guest): What does it mean that God gives us to someone? Isn’t this only something married people should say?Why do you think Saint Francis was so struck by his encounter with Saint Jane, such that he believed God gave her...

Sun chat Feb 23

What does it mean to yield to the will of God completely? How can we know this?Why is it that God might lead us into darkness, helplessness, and so forth?Saint Francis says that God will not lead us into temptation. Why then in the Our Father do we ask God to not lead...

Sun chat Feb 16

What is happenstance or serendipity? Are these just life’s happy little moments, or is there an element of “divine coincidence” (providence)?How can we strike the balance of being friends or friendly with someone in a place of stature, power, or fame? Should we just...