Sunday chat Oct 1

What does it mean to be gentle towards ourselves?How is being vexed/angry with ourselves a form of self-love?Why should we judge our conscience with reason and not passion?How might this movement away from anger into calm composure and reasoned reflection be a...

Newsletter for ChAt Oct 1

We Should Never Grow Irritable with Ourselves The following article is taken from a chapter in An Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales, which is available from TAN Books.To prepare for our chat on Sunday, please read the article, which is reproduced...

Sunday chat Sept 17

What is abandonment?How do we set aside our own desires in order to surrender always to God’s will?When we surrender, we surrender to our Heavenly Father. How can we allow this to comfort us and assure us that we are in good hands, even if it is a course of...