Sunday chat May 29

St. Francis describes practicing virtues as an exercise. How can we flex our virtue muscles so as to become spiritually stronger? How can this analogy help us realize the due diligence our spiritual life needs in order to remain healthy? How can we...

Sunday chat May 15

n the opening paragraph, does it seem like St. Francis is excusing the young woman’s sins/faults because of her temperament?The first paragraph is reminiscent of these two Bible verses. Discuss in this context: “And Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them;...

Sunday chat May 8

What does it mean to unite our sweat with Jesus’ sweat? If you have ever gotten to set sights on the Shroud, did you ever envision that it contains within it the remnants of the sweat of such a great saint as St. Francis? While it is...

Sunday chat April 24

Why do we so easily “divinize” (idolize) other human beings? How can we end up idolizing someone/something through our actions, even if we claim to be keeping it in its place as a created thing? St. Francis says the kind of expression described in this...