by Sister Susan Marie | Jun 22, 2020 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room
What is the fine line between doing our part and letting God take care of everything?2. What is the difference between a religious giving all to God and a married person giving all to God? Can only religious “give all without reserve”?3. How do we separate...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jun 15, 2020 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales, Visitation Outreach
What is the distinction between having a dislike for a person and dislike for their actions? How might our attitude toward them manifest differently in each case? Is disliking someone unavoidable, or do we just learn to love in spite of it? How exactly can we exercise...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jun 1, 2020 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room
Since God went out of his way to lovingly create us and take the effort to offer his life for us to redeem us, why do we still emphasize that we are ‘unworthy’? Did God create us just to seem generous, to be acknolwedged as merciful?2. As Saint Francis...
by Sister Susan Marie | May 25, 2020 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room
How do we actually humble ourselves before God?Not that they are mutually exclusive, but why is it so important to focus on ordinary works/acts of charity, opposed to big grand gestures?How do we weigh the balance between the need for prayer and the need for good...
by Sister Susan Marie | May 18, 2020 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales, Visitation Outreach
Why should we not seek to be free of difficulties (especially in light of the fact that we will be free of them in heaven)? Why does God not want us to be fixated on our imperfections? How do we balance that with needing to be mindful of our imperfections? How can we...
by Sister Susan Marie | May 5, 2020 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Uncategorized
About humility, Saint Francis says the “humble think that all others far outdo them and are much better than they. How is this different from pusillanimity, which is a lack of courage or determination, or in other words timidity? As we have discussed in the...