Sunday chat Sept 8

Why is failing to address an issue able make a problem worse between people?Are relationships only true when they have no issues, or based on how they resolve issues?What is wrong about being forthright? What is good about it?Do you think that St. Francis is...

Sun chat Sept 1

What does it mean that “our Saviour’s redemption is applied to us in as many different manners as there are souls”? Doesn’t God save us by only one means?If God desires for us to love Him in return, that may seem to mean that this is something that God does not have....

Sun Chat Aug 25

Why should we accept sorrow as if it is coming from God? Doesn’t that go against God’s loving nature?If we are supposed to offer ourselves to suffer more, does that mean we shouldn’t be allowed to have leisure or enjoyable moments and instead just pursue sacrifice and...