by Sister Susan Marie | Jun 25, 2012 | Discernment with DeSales, Salesian Spirituality
Jun 24 2012, 7:32 PM Sister : How is Fortnight for Freedom being expressed in your church or parish environments Jun 24 2012, 7:32 PM Guest454 (guest): In our area, there is an air of selfishness that comes with the idea of individual rights. as if each person has...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jun 17, 2012 | Discernment with DeSales, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales, Vocation news
While the spirit of the Visitation rules is not limited to these few past exhortations by St. Francis de Sales, his comments do reflect the essence of the charism. ” Lastly, my dear daughters, we must love our Rules very much, since they are the means by which...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jun 17, 2012 | Discernment with DeSales, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales, Vocation news
St. Francis de Sales firmly asserts the reasons why he has been inspired to form the Order with a gentle spirit. ” The spirit of gentleness is so absolutely the spirit of the Visitation, that any one who should wish to introduce into it any more austerities than...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jun 16, 2012 | Discernment with DeSales, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales, Vocation news
As candidates assess their discernment experiences and pray about the Order or Congregation the Lord may be calling them to, it is an excellent idea to consider the spirit of the Institute and the way that spirit is lived out. Here are some of the Founder St. Francis...
by Sister Susan Marie | Apr 21, 2012 | Discernment with DeSales, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales, known for his spiritual direction to women, also advised lay men in their many responsibilities and spiritual concerns. He particularly recommended the Introduction to the Devout Life and the reception of the Holy Eucharist to this correspondent...
by Sister Susan Marie | Apr 20, 2012 | Discernment with DeSales, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
V+J St Francis de Sales was a paragon of availability and advice to lay men and women, whether single, married, widowed or discerning the religious life. Long before Vatican 11 reminded the Church that all people are called to holiness, St. Francis de Sales was...