by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 18, 2014 | LENT, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
V+J Authenticity seems to be a much pursued characteristic of our times. But as Father Raniero Cantalemessa, Capuchin, remarks in his recent Lenten sermon, it depends on a deep interior life. Visitandines, and Salesians of every type know that our Founder and Patron,...
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 14, 2014 | LENT, St. Francis de Sales
V+J Sunday March 16 “Consider that the Eternal Father has so loved the world that He has given to it His only Son; and the Son has so loved the will of His Father, that seeing Him desirous of saving human nature, without heeding the meanness and indignity of the...
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 12, 2014 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, LENT, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
Living Lent with St. Francis de Sales-Charity A key element in our Lenten practices is almsgiving or other forms of charity. St. Francis de Sales expounds on this foundational aspect of our Christian lives. He said, ” Our Divine Master gave us His life not only to...
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 7, 2014 | LENT, Salesian Spirituality, Visitation Saints
The Founder of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, Blessed Louis Brisson, will guide us for the first week of Lent. Sunday March 9: “My friends.. we must keep Lent…We are obliged to perform the penitential acts that are within our reach. How, then, shall...
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 3, 2014 | LENT, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
Reflect deeply on this quote of St. Francis de Sales after you read or listen to the Gospel of the Day! Ash Wednesday: “On the first day, the Church addresses us in these words: ‘Remember you are dust and into dust you shall return, “as if she meant...
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 3, 2014 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, LENT, Vocation news
St. Francis de Sales writes, “Lent is the autumn of the spiritual life during which we gather fruit to keep us going for the rest of the year. Enrich yourselves with these treasures, which nobody can take away from you and which cannot be destroyed. I am accustomed to...