Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud. Click to read all Guard of Honor posts.

In 1863, A Visitation Nun from the Monastery in Bourg France, Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud, had an inspiration stemming from her devotion and her community’s  to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Each person could dedicate one hour to His Sacred, Pierced Heart each day while engaged in their ordinary tasks. These actions would be sanctified and the person would be gifting love to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

This inspiration was accepted by the Superior of her community and the Sisters dedicated themselves in this way. Within a year the devotion spread outside the walls of the Monastery to the faithful.

They became “Guards of Honor” with Blessed Mother, St. John and St. Mary Magdalen at the Foot of the Cross, adoring the Sacred, pierced Heart of Our Lord.

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