A Doubter at Heart, This French Priest Finally Buckled to God’s Voice

Very Rev. Louis BrissonThe founder of a religious order for men, to be beatified Sept. 22, offered a lot of resistance to what became one of the greatest accomplishments in his life. The Very Rev. Louis Brisson had been begged incessantly to found a congregation of priests by a certain Mother Superior. When he continued to resist her requests, he asked for a sign from God whether this was his will. To his astonishment, he got the sign just after celebrating Mass one day, and eventually founded the Order, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales.

We recently talked about Rev. Brisson at our Living Jesus Chat Room. We talked about the sign he received, and other related matters, such as perplexing questions as, When is it prudent to ask for a sign from God? What are the more common ways to discern God’s will? If one is discerning their life’s vocation, how “strong” of a message from God do we need? How have others discerned a vocational call?

We’ve had some stimulating chats over the last few weeks. On Sunday at 7:30 pm, go to our Living Jesus Chat Room and join the discussion!

Read more about Rev. Brisson, and see a photo of his award-winning astronomical clock that still works today.