by Sister Susan Marie | Nov 26, 2022 | Advent, Salesian Spirituality, St. Jane de Chantal
“I wish that we should be much taken up, this Advent, with thanking our Lord for His admirable Incarnation and coming into this world. Let us not be ungrateful for this. Behold, it is the Lord who comes to extend over us the greatness of His mercies. Let us give Him...
by Sister Susan Marie | Nov 24, 2022 | Advent, St. Jane de Chantal
Advent begins this coming weekend, on Sunday November 27. “It having pleased the Lord to bring us to this holy time of Advent, I pray you, let us not allow it to go by without drawing much profit from it. Let us see during this holy time what was the occupation,...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 24, 2021 | Advent, Uncategorized
From Santiago:
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 12, 2021 | Advent, Uncategorized
We continue our Advent series with thoughts by St. Francis de Sales on the Incarnation, from his sermons. Sunday What is the Incarnation? It is what we call the hypostatic union, the union of the human nature with the divine, a union so close that although there are...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 6, 2021 | Advent, Uncategorized
Week 1 Sunday: ” Scribes and Pharisees declared that they were awaiting the promised Messiah, the Desired of the Nations and Him whom Jacob called ” the Desire of the Eternal Hills”. Some ancient Fathers explain these words by saying that they describe the desire of...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 24, 2020 | Advent
and from Makamba VIVE + JESUS ! « Un enfant nous est né ; Un Fils nous est donné » Voici manifestées la bonté et l’humanité de Dieu notre...