Sunday chat Sept 13

What do you think it would be like to get such a letter from your bishop?How do we achieve this abandonment to God? It seems so unattainable; is it something reserved only for the saints?What exactly does it mean to “belong to God”?What does it mean to...

Sunday chat August 30

. How can we have a healthy focus on avoiding vice and growing in virtue without becoming scrupulous about sin and vice?2. Do you find it ironic that in order to avoid vice, we need to have a healthy focus on it (And not just ignore it or be in denial that it exists)?...

Sunday chat August 23

n spite of whatever efforts we make towards ecumenism, St. Francis reminds us of an important point that Protestants (and us) “remain in irreconcilable contradiction on the meaning of the words of institution of the Eucharist.” Why is this so important?...

Sunday chat Aug 16

Why do you think St. Francis emphasized this difficulty of serving the Church while being entrenched in the world? How can we avoid letting the concerns of the world not hinder our spiritual lives and service to the Kingdom of God? St. Francis encourages meditation...