by Editor | Dec 17, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
God has given us our own wills, yet desires that we follow His. How does God use our own will to lead us to His?2. If we simply follow God’s will, does that mean that we don’t have a will of our own?3. How does following the Commandments and living the...
by Editor | Dec 13, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
Not My Will, But Yours Be Done This week we are continuing Saint Francis’ Treatise on the Love of God with book 8, chapter 7, “That the love of God’s will signified in the Commandments moves us to the love of the Counsels.” O Theotimus! how...
by Editor | Dec 10, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
In the Catechism, it states that the fear of hell is a good start in the right direction, but that one ultimately needs to have a love for God and for heaven. How is that statement connected to today’s reflection? Does this love of indifference leave room for...
by Editor | Dec 5, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
This week we are continuing Saint Francis’ Treatise on the Love of God starting now into Book 9, “Of The Love Of Submission, Whereby Our Will Is United To God’s Good-Pleasure” with chapter 4, “Of The Union Of Our Will To The Good-Pleasure...
by Editor | Dec 3, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room
How do you suppose one can “cherish, love, and embrace” afflictions “for the sake of the Divine good-pleasure, whence they proceed”? We have had this in discussion before, but are we to assume God is some kind of masochist with all this...
by Editor | Nov 29, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
Receive Sweetly all Difficulties, by Reason of the Divine Will This week we are continuing Saint Francis’ Treatise on the Love of God starting now into Book 9, “Of The Love Of Submission, Whereby Our Will Is United To God’s...