by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 29, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room
The idea here that God calls us to go beyond the commandments can be seen in His insistence that “whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 20, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
The Name of Honor Amongst Christians Shall Be No Other Than God’s Will in Them This week we are continuing Saint Francis’ Treatise on the Love of God with book 8, chapter 7, “That The Love Of God’s Will Signified In The...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 17, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
What is the difference between commands and counsels? Why doesn’t God simply make everything a command? What significance is there in having counsels? In our modern age Christianity is often caricatured as some type of fire insurance religion where mere belief...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 13, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
There Is a Difference Between Commanding and Recommending This week we are continuing Saint Francis’ Treatise on the Love of God with book 8, chapter 6, “Of The Conformity Of Our Will To That Will Of God Which Is Signified Unto Us By His Counsels.”...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 10, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
What is the fine line between strictly following the commandments and lovingly obeying God who issues the commandments? 2. Some describe God’s law as a blueprint or our lives. What do you think about this analogy? Does it make sense to you? Why or why not? 3. If...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 5, 2018 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
God Desires Strongly For Us to Obey His Commandments This week we are continuing Saint Francis’ Treatise on the Love of God with book 8 (“Of The Love of Conformity, By Which We Unite Our Will To The Will Of God, Signified Unto Us By His...