by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 26, 2015 | Events, Sacred Heart
Programma dei festeggiamenti in onore del Sacro Cuore di Gesù Venerdì 25 settembre ore 17,00 Apertura pesca di beneficenza; ore 17,30 Santo Rosario del Sacro Cuore; ore 18,00 Celebrazione Eucaristica presieduta da Don Giovanni Nobile; ore 19,00 La vicenda biografica e...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 26, 2015 | Events, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach, Vocation news, Year of Consecrated Life
At 130PM, The Sisters of the Visitation of Brooklyn NY will celebrate a thanksgiving Mass for the 160 years they have been present in the Diocese of Brooklyn, with a special invitation extended to those who may be currently exploring a vocation. The day will also...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 25, 2015 | Events, Year of Consecrated Life
Sister Synthia Helena, Temporary Professed Sister of the Visitation of Brooklyn NY joins Sisters of the Congregation, Lovers of the Holy Cross, at St. Patrick’s, at an interval while waiting for Pope Francis to arrive. Five Visitandines attended the Vespers...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 23, 2015 | Events, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach
Major media outlets caught Georgetown Visitandines having a little lunch as they waited for the Pope, headlined their photos in journalistic ways and it has gone viral. Read about it here:...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 19, 2015 | Events, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach, Year of Consecrated Life
Which town? Actually, three large CITIES in which three of our Visitation Monasteries are located: Washington DC, New York City (Brooklyn Visitation) and Philadelphia! You might be wondering- so, are the Visitandines going to see him? Some, yes! Some of the Georgetown...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 16, 2015 | Events, Guard of Honor, MYSTIC OF THE MONTH, Sacred Heart, Visitation News, Year of Consecrated Life
This year’s Festival of the Sacred Heart in Rosolini Italy will be celebrated on Sunday September 27th, 2015. It is also the centennial celebration of Visitandine Mother Serafina Rubbera,(...